Photos taken around Strawberry, CA

My parents bought their cabin at Strawberry in 1954. Some of my best memories took place at Strawberry.

When we were young, there were many kids around my age, including others from Davis.

My current header picture is Strawberry Meadow. This meadow was destroyed during the 70s by people driving on it. It was restored by a couple of 4-wheel drive clubs. It now looks a lot like it did when I was young.

Visit my Yolo County photo-blog @

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Lots of critters Here's a few.

Band-Tailed Pigeon
Steller's Jay
Ground Squirrel
Golden-mantled ground squirrel

August 7th & 8th

There were a lot of plants in bloom last weekend. I’ve never remember seeing seen so much Lupine before. Enjoy. You can enlarge the pictures by clicking on them.

Lots of Lupine

Musk Thistle

Desolation Valley Pyramid Peak on the right

Fourth of July Weekend

It's been a long time since I last updated this blog.  Enjoy

Indian Paintbrush
Snow Flowers
Target practice
More target practice